New Archive

12 October 2008

OverTime By Text™ a revolutionary new system for overtime administration

OverTime By Text™ is a unique approach to smoothing administration of overtime.


12 October 2008

Time By Text® a revolutionary new system

The 20 Second Time Sheet


30 April 2008

eye-Site® becomes a Registered Trademark

eye-Site®, Obscure Solutions's design methodology enabling the rapid visualisation and analysis of complex data, has been officially recognised under the Trade Marks Act 1994.


28 April 2008

Obscure Solutions joins Web Partnership Scheme with NCC Group

Obscure Solutions is now a Web Partner of NCC Group, a leading provider of Escrow Solutions to clients in both the public and private sectors.


18 April 2008

Acumen interfaces with Sage Accpac accounting system

Obscure Solutions has announced today that Acumen now has the capability of working in conjunction with Sage Accpac accounts system.


23 January 2008

Obscure Solutions expands into biometric time and attendance technology

Obscure Solutions has added an extra dimension to Acumen by integrating biometric hand scanning technology into the way that businesses can manage staff, time and costs.